If you plant it, they will come.

Add full-season color to your garden or landscape with Okies for Monarchs Wildflower Seed Mix.
Produced by Johnston Seed of Enid, OK, these native wildflowers and forbs were carefully selected using recommendations from Okies for Monarchs. The mix consists of beneficial species that will provide pollen and nectar for foraging pollinators throughout the growing season.
The hardy annuals and perennials in this blend are low maintenance and adapted to a wide range of temperatures and soil types. Besides being a crucial food source, this mix will provide years of stunning color and natural beauty to your garden or landscape.
Available in two regional mixes:
- Central/Western Oklahoma
- Eastern Oklahoma
Both are available in two sizes:
- 1-ounce packets
- 1-pound bags

This mix includes:
Goldenrod, Partridge Pea, Prairie Coneflower, Maximilian Sunflower, Plains Coreopsis, Illinois Bundleflower, Annual Sunflower, White Yarrow, Leadplant, White Prairie Clover, Indian Blanket, Verbena, Purple Coneflower, Swamp Milkweed, Butterfly Milkweed, Showy Milkweed, Common Milkweed, Lemon Mint.

This mix includes:
Goldenrod, Bur Marigold, Partridge Pea, Illinois Bundleflower, Greyhead Coneflower, Oxeye Sunflower, Maximillian Sunflower, Plains Coreopsis, Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Annual Sunflower, White Yarrow, Leadplant, White Prairie Clover, Purple Prairie Clover, Indian Blanket, Verbena, Purple Coneflower, Swamp Milkweed, Butterfly Milkweed, Common Milkweed, Pennsylvania Smartweed, Wild Bergamot, Gayfeather, Pale Purple Coneflower, Lemon Mint, Rattlesnake Master.